PISAI’s presence at the 30th anniversary of the ISTR in Marseilles

The PISAI was pleased to participate in the thirtieth anniversary of the Institut de sciences et théologie des religions (ISTR), founded in Marseille 1992 by today’s archbishop of the same city, Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline. To mark the occasion, the ISTR organised two commemorative days on 30 September and 1 October 2022 at the Institut Catholique de la Mediterranée (ICM), of which it is a constituent member. The PISAI was represented by its President, Prof. Diego Sarrió Cucarella, and by Prof. Mariangela Laviano, who collaborates with the ICM as part of the “Maison de la Sagesse” Seminar. Three former PISAI students were also present among whom Joseph Sene, who is the new head of the ISTR’s Christian-Muslim studies cluster, where he has succeeded another former PISAI student, Christophe Roucou, now director of studies at the “Al Mowafaqa” Institute in Rabat. Finally, the current director of the ISTR is another former PISAI student, Colette Hamza.

The ISTR understands its mission in line with what Pope Francis said in Naples on 21 June 2019 about the Mediterranean: “I would say that theology, particularly in this context, is called to be a welcoming theology and to develop a sincere dialogue with social and civil institutions, with university and research centers, with religious leaders and with all women and men of good will, for the construction in peace of an inclusive and fraternal society, and also for the care of creation”.

The Pisai



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