Christopher Clohessy participates in UK Shīʿī related events

Prof. Christopher Clohessy took part in a number of Shīʿī related events in London and Birmingham during the summer.

On the 10th August, the day of ʿ
Āshūrā, he was invited to address the crowd of devotees gathered in Marble Arch, London, to commemorate the death of al-usayn at Karbalā’. The crowd, numbering up to 4000, then took part in a procession to Trafalgar Square. On 10th and 11th September Prof. Clohessy was in Birmingham, at the Al-Abbas Islamic Centre, where he delivered two evening lectures for Arbaeen 1444/2022, one dealing with reports of an angelic visitation to the Prophet while in the house of his wife Umm Salama, and a second recalling incidents between Karbalā’ and Kūfa, as the head of the martyred al-usayn was transported to the residence of the governor, Ibn Ziyād. On 11th September Prof. Clohessy also delivered an online lecture for the Imam Hussein Conference in Brisbane on the theme of ‘Connecting Hearts, Shaping Minds’. From 13th until 17th September Prof. Clohessy was at the al-Mahdi Institute in Selly Oak, Birmingham, where he delivered a series of five lectures for Arbaeen 1444/2022, on a variety of historical reports concerning the events around the death of al-usayn at Karbalā’.

The Pisai



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