New publication by Bartolomeo Pirone

The PISAI is pleased to announce a new publication by Bartolomeo Pirone, Guida allo studio dell’arabo. Un metodo semplice per entrare passo dopo passo nella lingua del ḍād (Edizioni del Gruppo di Ricerca Arabo-Cristiana, Bologna 2021). Bartolomeo Pirone is a visiting lecturer at PISAI and taught Arabic language and literature for many years at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. The new publication, which draws on his many years of teaching experience, is intended as “a progressive approach to the knowledge of the essential elements of the Arabic language”, from the simplest to the most complex. The author offers us “a key with which to open a door to the immeasurable richness of the Arabic language”.

Professor Pirone’s numerous publications include: Vite di santi egiziani (Edizioni Terra Santa 2013), Infidels. I cristiani sotto il dominio dell’islam da Maometto al XX secolo (Edizioni Terra Santa 2019), Al-Malik al-Kāmil e i cristiani d’Egitto (Edizioni Terra Santa 2021).

The Pisai



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