Prof. Jason Welle gave a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Quranic Studies Association (IQSA), held in Palermo 5-7 September 2022. The event was hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Center, together with the University of Palermo. Welle’s paper, entitled “The Light that Shines from the Cave: Ṣūfī Tafsīr on Aṣḥāb al-Kahf”, formed part of a panel on Ṣūfī interpretation of the Qurʾān.
The conference enjoyed a strong representation of friends of PISAI: Prof. Adnane Mokrani, a former professor at PISAI and researcher at the La Pira Library, was the protagonist of the panel on Ṣūfī tafsīr and gave the presentation “Rūmī and the Sufi Interpretation of the Qur’an”; Prof. Antonio Cuciniello, a former student of PISAI currently based at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, gave a paper entitled, “An Analysis of the Prophetic Speeches through Qur’anic Narratives”; and Rosanna Budelli, a former student of PISAI who works at the La Pira Library, gave participants at the conference a tour of the facility.
IQSA is the first learned society devoted to the study of the Qurʾān from a variety of academic disciplines; its annual meeting is held in a different site each year, with Palermo hosting for the first time.