Giornata di studi Officina di Studi Medievali

On 24 October 2022, on the occasion of the presentation of the PRIN Project “Il Simbolo niceno-costantinopolitano in versione araba: storia, filologia, teologia, filosofia(The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Symbol in Arabic Version: History, Philology, Theology, Philosophy)”, a study day was held in Palermo at the Officina di Studi Medievali. In the morning, the project was presented with two addresses by a byzantinist and a philosopher who outlined the context from which the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Symbol arose, while in the afternoon, space was given to its contextualisation in the Eastern Christian sphere and in particular in dialogue with the Muslim world. The speakers were Bishara Ebeid, a former lecturer at PISAI, with a presentation entitled: “Arab Christian Heritage: Context and Characteristics” and Anna Canton, a doctoral student at PISAI in co-tutorship with La Sapienza University of Rome, with a paper entitled: “The Islamic-Christian Controversy: Main Controversies starting from the Nicene Creed”.

The Pisai



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