The IHEMR visits the PISAI

On Monday, 16 June 2021, Professors Diego Sarrió Cucarella M.Afr., and Wasim Salman welcomed at PISAI the participants in the national continuing education program Religions, laïcité et enjeux contemporains, organized by the Paris-based Institut des Hautes Etudes du Monde Religieux (IHEMR). These programs of formation, dedicated to the relationship between religions and secularism, have been organized annually by the IHEMR since 2014 for a public that includes civil servants, business leaders, journalists, religious ministers, and elected representatives at various levels in France. Each session offers 130 hours of training composed of lectures and discussion, group work, visits, and study trips to Jerusalem and Rome.

The visit to the PISAI was an opportunity to introduce the participants to the history and the mission of our Institute and to exchange ideas on the challenges affecting relations between religions and the state, especially in the European and Middle Eastern contexts.

For more information on the activities of the Institut des Hautes Études du Monde Religieux, see

The Pisai



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