Publication of Fr. Stefano Luca

Fr. Stefano Luca, OFM Cap., who received his Licence in Arabic and Islamic Studies from PISAI in 2019, recently published the book I cuccioli dell’ISIS. L’ultima degenerazione dei bambini soldato (Edizioni Terra Santa, 2020).

Based on research begun at PISAI, this book explores the recruitment of children by ISIS, the role these children play in military conflict, and the psychological consequences of war upon them. Luca also describes an innovative Social Theatre program he directs that looks to help youth move beyond this jihadist imprinting and toward a more hopeful future. Stefano Luca is a Capuchin Franciscan, a Consultor for Relations with Muslims for the National Office of Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, and teaches Islamic Studies at the Studio Teologico Laurentianum in Venice.

The Pisai



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