Best wishes to the new Doctor Emmanuel I. Unamba

On July 29, 2020, Fr Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Unamba, a PISAI alumnus, successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled The Development of Islam in Yorubaland: The Impact of Arabic Education, at the Maurice Borrmans Library of PISAI.
The doctoral jury consisted of Professor Celeste Intartaglia, PISAI, Advisor of the thesis; Professor Francesco Zappa, Università La Sapienza; and Professor Jason Welle, O.F.M., Director of Studies of PISAI.
Professor Diego Sarrió Cucarella, M.Afr., President of PISAI, chaired the defense, which used English, Italian, and Arabic.
The academic community of PISAI warmly congratulates Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Unamba.

The Pisai



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