Launch of

Today, 16 December 2020, has been launched! It is an online platform where academic events organized by participating institutions are made available to the public. This marks the first step in a wide-ranging cultural project aiming to promote collaboration between Catholic institutions in Rome through the organization of common initiatives, which, in turn, contribute to the cultural dynamism of the city.

The academic institutions currently involved in the project are the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, the Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d’Islamistica (PISAI), the Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo, the Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA), the Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d’Aquino (Angelicum) and the Pontificia Università Urbaniana. The project is coordinated by the Georgetown University Representative Office in Rome and the University of Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, who will host the platform on its website.

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