8th Conference Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics

Jason Welle, OFM, Director of Studies at PISAI, gave a presentation entitled “Didactics of Blame and Tactics to Tame: al-Sulamī’s ʿUyūb al-nafs” at the 8th annual conference of the Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) of Hamid Bin Khalifa University in Qatar.
The conference, entitled “Key Classical Works on Islamic Ethics”, brought together eighteen top international scholars for a three-day online event 6-8 December 2020.

CILE was created in 2012 as a center specializing in Islamic legislation and ethical thought with a focus on applied ethics. Welle’s paper discussed a treatise on the sicknesses of the soul by the Ṣūfī master Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī (d. 412/1021) in the context of the author’s larger ethical programme.

The Pisai



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