Marsudi Syuhud visits PISAI

On Tuesday 29 October PISAI welcomed Dr. Marsudi Syuhud, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Nahdlatul Ulama. Founded in 1926, Nahdlatul Ulama is the world’s largest Muslim organization with over 50 million members and 14,000 madrasas. Dr. Marsudi Syuhud was one of the signatories who signed the Joint Declaration of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - on the end of life issues in the Vatican on October 28. The joint Declaration reaffirms a firm “no” to euthanasia and assisted suicide and, at the same time, the commitment to defend life even near death. During his visit to the PISAI, Dr. Marsudi Syuhud was accompanied by Imam Pituduh, Deputy Secretary of the Executive Committee of Nahdlatul Ulama.

The Pisai



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