Passing of Fr Paul Hannon, MAfr

Recalling with affection the bond that linked Father Paul Hannon to our Institute, the PISAI joins its condolences to those of the Society of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) for his death, which occurred on Thursday the 28th March 2019 in their community at Little Ealing Lane, London, aged 71, of which 28 of missionary life in Sudan, Italy, Kenya and Great Britain.
Paul was born on the 6th November 1947 in South Shields, in the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, Great Britain. He was accepted into the novitiate of the Missionaries of Africa on the 6th September 1987 in Fribourg (Switzerland), and then continued his theological formation at Toulouse (France) where he took his Missionary Oath on the 15th December 1990. He was ordained the following year, on the 6th July at Newcastle. Paul first came to PISAI as a student in 1993-1995, then came back to teach in 1999-2003 and again in 2014-2016. Our Institute will never forget his warm and affectionate character, his loyalty to friends and his generosity to everyone he met. May the Lord welcome his servant Paul Hannon into the joy of paradise. The PISAI, much moved, remembers him in prayer.

The Pisai



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