Piet Horsten Collection

As of today, the precious personal Collection of material of Father Piet Horsten, member of the Society of Missionaries of Africa, collection marked by the initials FH, is fully accessible, having become part of the heritage of the accessible Library of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI).
Father Piet Horsten was born in the Netherlands on 6TH May 1936. After studying for the priesthood, he continued his formation with the study of ancient Greek and Latin at the University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands), enriching this classical foundation, in the course of preparing for his doctorate, with general linguistic studies as well as the theological approach to cultures and religions. His subsequent training has led him to a more specific interest in translation, in particular for the translations of the Bible from Greek to Latin, and then to a larger study on the relationship between religions and languages. Father Piet has served on the faculty of PISAI and he has held the position of Prefect of the Library. The Horsten Collection comprises more than 1200 volumes, embracing diverse disciplines, among which are: Linguistics, which constitutes the most relevant part; the philosophy of language; methodology and dialectology of the African languages; translation studies and language use.
PISAI is most grateful to Father Piet for his many years of service and for the precious gift of his personal collection.

The Pisai



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