On 22 August 2016, Jason Welle, OFM, visiting professor at PISAI, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. His thesis, entitled “Clarifying Companionship: al-Sulamī’s (d. 412/1021) Kitāb ādāb al-ṣuḥba”, analyzes the nature of ṣuḥba in the thought of this medieval Ṣūfī master, with a particular focus on how companionship functions in a believer’s character development and spiritual progress. The dissertation includes as an appendix an English translation of Ādāb al-ṣuḥba (The Ways of Companionship and Good Fellowship), the first scholarly translation of that treatise into a European language. Dr. Paul L. Heck, also a visiting professor at PISAI this fall, advised the dissertation and chaired the defense committee.