PISAi strategic plan 2024-2029

We are pleased to present the PISAI Strategic Plan 2024-2029.

The elaboration of the Plan follows a path that began with the Evaluation Report of the AVEPRO External Commission (12-14 February 2019), and clarifies the vision, mission, values and strategies that the PISAI aims to implement in the coming years, in a continuous process of enhancement and striving for excellence.

The Strategic Plan 2024-2029 describes the strategic priorities, objectives and actions to be monitored over the next five years. The implementation of the Strategic Plan and the monitoring of the objectives will be carried out through annual Action Plans and the procedures and tools for quality promotion and evaluation.

Download the PISAI Strategic Plan 2024-2029

The Pisai



The course of History of Muslim-Christian Dialogue forms an essential part of the programme of study at PISAI


The course of History of Muslim-Christian Dialogue forms an essential part of the programme of study at PISAI


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