1st year of licentiate

This course seeks to offer students an in-depth study of the Arabic language, Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim relations. Please note that special students can follow courses of Islamic Studies and of Christian-Muslim relations independently of the Licentiate programme.

The 1st Year of the Licentiate attempts to build specific theoretical and practical skills which are evidenced by the achievement of educational objectives. Expressed in terms of learning outcomes, these are the following:

- to know the structure of written literary Arabic that permits the student to read and understand, without excessive difficulty, complex literary and religious texts, both ancient and contemporary;
- to acquire the fundamental scientific concepts of the most important Islamic sciences;
- to possess a scientific method of comparative study of the Scriptures and the theological thought of Christians and of Muslims;
- to be able to critically elaborate one’s own reflection on the Islamic religion and on Christian-Muslim relations.

Arabic Language (36 ECTS)

This programme offers a deeper study of the Arabic language with a view to enable students to understand, from within, Islamic culture and religious thought. 

Islamic Studies (Second level) (18 ECTS)
The programme of Islamic Studies in the 1st Year offers students a deep reflection on the important areas of the Islamic sciences. The lectures will be enriched through the use of original sources offered in translation.

Christian-Muslim Relations (6 ECTS)



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