general information

The Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) is a recognized Higher Education Institution of the Holy See and it has the right to award academic degrees under the authority of the same Holy See which is a full member of the Bologna Process/European Higher Education Area since 19 September 2003.
The programs of study of the PISAI follow the qualifications framework of the Holy See ( and are regularly evaluated by AVEPRO*, which gained full membership in ENQA* 2014.

* AVEPRO Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (
* ENQA European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (

academic degrees

1. Licentiate in Arabic and Islamic Studies (Bologna Second cycle - EQF* level 7): awarded at the end of the 2nd Year of Licentiate studies.

2. Doctorate in Arabic and Islamic Studies (Bologna Third cycle - EQF* level 8): requires a minimum of three years to complete.

* EQF: European Qualifications Framework

Certificates and diplomas

In addition to the academic degrees awarded by authority of the Holy See, the PISAI confers the following titles and diplomas by its own authority, after obtaining the nulla osta from the Dicastery for Culture and Education:

1. Certificate in Christian-Islamic Relations: awarded after completion of the courses  in Christian-Islamic-Relations (12 ECTS) of the Introductory Year and the 1st Year of the Licentiate.

2. Certificate in Islamic Studies (Level I): awarded after completion of 18 ECTS of the courses in Islamic Studies (18 ECTS) of the Introductory Year*.

3. Certificate in Islamic Studies (Level II): awarded after completion of the courses in Islamic Studies (18 ECTS) of the 1st Year of the Licentiate*.

4. Introductory Certificate in Classical Arabic: awarded after completion of the programme (33 ECTS).

5. Intermediate Certificate in Classical Arabic: awarded after completion of the programme (29 ECTS).

6. Diploma of Introduction to Arabic and Islamic Studies: awarded at the end of the Introductory Year (60 ECTS).

7. Diploma of Arabic and Islamic Studies: awarded at the end of the 1st year of the Licentiate (60 ECTS).

*With the agreement of the Director of Studies, students may include courses taken at other academic institutions in their programme of studies.




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