ARABic language courses

For the academic year 2024-2025, the PISAI offers two one-year courses in Arabic Language with experienced, qualified teachers:

Initiation Course: 15 hours per week of grammar, reading and comprehension, dictation and conversation modules, for a total of 403 hours / 33 ECTS

Intermediate Course: 11 hours per week of grammar, reading and comprehension, translation from Arabic, written expression in Arabic modules, for a total of 286 hours / 29 ECTS

The Institute also offers a Mass Media module in Arabic. All modules are free standing and can be attended independently in agreement with the Director of Studies.

Attendance at the courses is compulsory. An entrance examination will be required for direct access to the Intermediate Course. At the end of the course, after passing the exams, a certificate of attendance will be issued with the evaluation and credits obtained.
Enrolled students will be granted access to the Library services and academic events organised by the Institute.

Fees: Initiation Course: € 2400 / Intermediate Course: € 1740

Course start date: Monday 7 October 2024

For information 0658392611



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