Il PISAI è lieto di annunciare la pubblicazione del volume 'Chrześcijańska teologia islamu Louisa Massignona' (Seko 2024) di Piotr Sękowski
Nella mattinata di venerdì 4 ottobre 2024 si è tenuta presso la Biblioteca Maurice Borrmans del PISAI l’inaugurazione solenne dell’Anno Accademico 2024-2025.
Il 30 settembre 2024, la prof.ssa Mariangela Laviano, docente del PISAI, ha presentato un suo contributo in occasione del secondo incontro annuale organizzato dal Comparative Theology of Religions Group (CTRG)
On Thursday 26th September 2024, Prof. Christopher Clohessy delivered a lecture in Zurich, for LINEH of Dübendorf, Switzerland
During the summer break, Prof. Christopher Clohessy took part in a number of academic and interreligious programs
On 6 September 2024, Prof. Augustin Sawadogo gave a presentation entitled "Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Fraternity without Relativism", on the occasion of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical letter Ecclesiam Suam
PAA seeks to provide an opportunity for continuous and fruitful exchange among those who studied at PISAI and share PISAI values
Currently the Library holds about 40,000 volumes, half of which are in Arabic, 900 journals, 250 of which rare or extinct, 30 fine editions, and 30 Arabic manuscripts kept at the Vatican Library.